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The 2017 French presidential elections featured an eventful campaign, produced astonishing results, and presented important signs of party system change. This paper analyses the main lines of divide of the demand and the supply side of electoral competition. It analyses the structure of citizens’ preferences, as well as the candidates’ strategic issue opportunities, relying on issue yield theory. To that end, it combines data from an original individual-level survey with information about the candidates’ Twitter messages. It is found that the traditional model of two-dimensional political space, characterised by an economic (left–right) and socio-cultural (integration–demarcation) dimension is largely challenged. On the supply-side, the analysis offers additional evidence for the central role played by the integration–demarcation divide, while showing that the traditional left–right conflict has not fully disappeared.  相似文献   
This paper draws on recent research examining feminist and everyday geopolitics to focus on the relatively neglected domestic sphere as a space where geopolitical events like the Falklands/Malvinas war are learnt, (re)produced, remembered and contested by young people. It presents qualitative data drawn from interviews with young people from Argentina (Río Gallegos) and the Falkland Islands (Stanley), locations with intimate connections to the 1982 war. It argues that research in domestic environments that engages the familial relations, objects and practices that embody geopolitical pasts can help make sense of how young people (are able to) express geopolitical agency.  相似文献   
位于黔东南山地地区的苗族聚落因其特殊的地貌形态和文化渊源,形成了各类与平原聚落不同的、极具特色的公共空间。论文通过文献研究与实地走访调查,总结黔东南苗族聚落中的公共空间类型与特色,并探究其由内在的文化联系而形成的序列结构。黔东南苗族聚落的公共空间可分为生产空间、交通空间和仪式空间三类,其中仪式空间最具特色。黔东南苗族聚落的公共空间布局灵活自由,形态因地制宜;各类公共空间为鼓藏节、招龙节等重要仪式活动提供场所,作为历史的象征连通古今;模拟历史演变的仪式活动串联起各类公共空间,形成连通村落内外、村落之间的公共空间序列,对民族文化的传承和构建起到积极作用。  相似文献   
康德针对绝对空间展开的继承性批判成为重构空间思想的必由路径,他用“绝对纯粹”来替代“神秘经验”,这是一个非神学的空间阐释框架,被誉为“哥白尼式革命”。在划清和传统空间观念的界限之后,康德以“经验”和“先验”为视角来廓清自己的理论构想并论证得出空间的重要属性:经验实在性和先验观念性。从这一结论亦不难看出康德对大陆理性主义和英国经验主义的贯通融合,即主体凭借空间化的表象,将内感官之“我”视为审美对象,这实际是上承“先验感性”中的论述。除此之外,康德空间观已预设了现象学的基本判断,这实际上开启了空间研究从经验性走向境域化、从形而上走向“具身化”的可能性。  相似文献   

In 1892, the Senate of the University College of North Wales in Bangor conducted an enquiry into the behaviour of Frances Hughes, Lady Principal of the women’s hall of residence, for defamatory remarks she had made about one of her students. Her accusations instigated a scandal that rocked the provincial college to its core, led to two separate libel lawsuits, and was even mentioned in the House of Lords. Using the ‘Bangor College Scandal’ as a case study, this article explores how student life in the new civic universities of the late-nineteenth century was shaped by regulation and supervision, as university authorities sought to avoid controversy through limiting mixed-gender interaction. It will argue that this control was often manifested in spatial terms, enabled by the deliberate design and arrangement of university spaces.  相似文献   
中国的基层执法深受政治体制和社会生态的影响和塑造,“治理空间”可以同时容纳这两种因素,是理解中国基层执法的新视角。乡村治理空间为基层执法提供具体场景,其“拥挤社会”特性和“权力分散”特性,严重制约着基层执法能力。空间区域化机制通过建立综合治理(执法)体系,实现了执法机构的统合和区域化;通过将村级组织、村干部、网格员等纳入执法体系,实现了执法空间的分界和局部化;通过对时间和资源进行情境化配置,实现了时空分区。区域化机制重构着乡村治理空间,回应了基层执法权薄弱和执法能力不足的问题,通过再造基层执法,提高了基层执法效度。  相似文献   
列斐伏尔的重要代表作之一是《空间的生产》,他晚年致力于对空间的批判,从空间的角度重新阐释辩证法,形成了三维辩证法模式;提出以土地及其对土地的投资进行的生产等等是资本增值的第二个循环,从而超越以往的政治经济学范式,又避免了还原论者的经济学。对资本主义空间的批判就是对资本主义社会关系的批判,旨在扬弃资本主义的量化的、碎片化的和均质化的空间,建立社会主义差异化的、多元化的和异质化的空间,这既是列斐伏尔的政治诉求,也是他重建马克思主义的现实路径。  相似文献   
This article addresses the political and spatial agenda of the people of informalities. It conceptualizes insurgent informality as a discursive social reality, which is based on the struggle between the state hegemonic discourse regarding informal spaces and modes of space production and the countering-hegemonic discourse of communities. Based on empirical case, this paper interrogates the discourses of Israel and the its Arab communities regarding informal spaces. The analysis suggests that the state hegemonic discourse is articulated through three interrelated logics of difference, threat and spatiality. The countering discourse challenges the hegemonic discourse through its logic of justice, recognition, and protest.  相似文献   

Since the end of the East–West divide in the 1990s, the world has slowly lost its US-based unipolarity to globalisation, and a shift towards East Asia. This phenomenon has given more space to middle powers and furthered the embeddedness of the political, economic, and cultural spheres into the dynamics of social structures. It is highly visible when observed from the digital communication standpoint, which has become pervasive. In this context, the study of international power has moved towards the concept of soft power, which remains a fuzzy concept concerning ‘who’ and ‘what’. We define power as a continuum, in which various types of public and private actors carry out different types of coercive to cooptive actions in various but embedded spheres. We propose an empirically tractable conceptual framework that we use as a tool to analyse soft power within a hard-to-soft power spectrum, in which the articulation, dynamics and incremental nature of soft power become observable. We illustrate our point with the case study of South Korean power in Indonesia in the twenty-first century and draw conceptual as well as practical conclusions.  相似文献   
苏翔 《贵州民族研究》2020,41(1):96-100
空间环境孕育和成就了文化,具有代表性的在地文化沉淀下来后,则成为环境的象征符号并反作用于空间环境。在设计少数民族传统文化在空间和环境中新的活动、形式乃至构成体系时,必须充分考虑尊重少数民族传统文化所生发的土壤,观照少数民族传统文化艺术形式的特征,尊重以黔北傩戏为代表的少数民族传统文化的历史文脉与当地空间环境交互的特点,才能使黔北傩戏的活力在新的时代焕发新的光彩。在开辟新的黔北傩戏传承思路时,应当以当代黔北傩戏的发展需求为要义,创造一个满足当代人对以黔北傩戏为代表的少数民族传统文化加深交互、产生需求的环境,利用当代媒介环境的需求来启发社会活动,并塑造与人的需求、文化的发展需求相适应的环境和空间。  相似文献   
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